The ceremony of National Industry and Mining Day was held on the evening of Wednesday, July 06, 2022, in the presence of the governor, head of the Mining Industry and Trade Organization, industrial activists, and economic and industrial officials of Qazvin province at Imam Khomeini International University.

At this ceremony, TOSAN TECHNO was honored as a premier industrial and production unit of Qazvin province and Aliakbar Namdari, a member of TOSAN TECHNO’s board of directors, received a certificate of appreciation for this ceremony.

You can see some pictures from the ceremony below.


Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining Appreciation of TOSAN TECHNO in the ceremony of the National Day of Industry and Mining